Vital Group Class

Tried the Intro Class?  Time to become a full fledged Vital Member! 

Vital group classes are what make up the majority of our schedule, and for good reason. Vital is about developing your GPP (General Physical Preparedness), to keep you ready for any of life's tasks. The constant variance of movements combined with the right amount of intensity will breed amazing results.

True fitness can be revealed by how proficient and well rounded you are at life's 10 General Physical Skills. Any deficiencies in these 10 will limit you in everyday physical tasks. Through our Vital group classes you will see an overall improvement in each of these skills.

The 10 General Physical Skills are: Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance, & Accuracy. 

Class Schedule






5:00 -6:00pm

6:00 -7:00pm



Ready to for a free intro class? 

Fill out the information below!

Fitness management software